Three words nerds.
Cookie. Subscription. Boxes.
Maybe I have eaten too much sugar and this is actually the dumbest idea ever BUT I feel like a dern genius right about now! I have always thought that like wine or cheese or whatever of the month clubs are the funnest gift idea on the planet. I have also purchased them for myself... because I heart buying myself gifts. Aaaaaaaaanyway... the moral of the story is that I am launching cookie-of-the-month boxes! They will be a surprise theme each time geared towards that month. Each cookie in the box will be unique and deemed awesome by yours truly. I have monthly and annual subscriptions, as well as one-time purchase boxes if you just want to try it out or send someone a thank you box or whatever 😊.
These boxes are available for delivery in the Bismarck/Mandan ND area. Or pick-up in Bismarck, ND. Our Tampa branch is focusing on special projects to be unveiled at a later date. Oh man I sound so mysterious...
Okee hopefully this all makes sense and at least one person wants to try it 😂. Comment if you have ideas for box themes or questions or if you want to give me compliments. Save your stinky comments about how nobody should spend that much money on cookies. They are works of art first, food second. PLUS they are fun and make people happy, so take your opinion and stuff it in your pocket!!! Did I just get into a fight with an imaginary internet troll? Meh, I stand by it.